Entrepreneurial Staffing Firm Grows 300%

  • Current Client
  • Location: Ohio
  • Business Model: Temp to Hire
  • Industry Vertical: Light Industrial

“My growth has no cap. And it’s incredibly motivating to know there’s unlimited potential.” – Milo K., Owner

Close up of documents with a calculator and pen laying on top.


MK Staffing’, a light industrial temp-to hire staffing firm, had the talent and desire to grow, but needed a payroll funding partner that provided the service and unlimited funding they needed to reach their aggressive growth goals.

“If you have a small payroll provider, a limited line of credit or are juggling money, you have a cap to your growth.”

The Approach

MK Staffing utilized Advance Partners for both payroll funding and back office support.

“We would not have been able to take the next step in our business growth without unlimited funding and support from Advance. When I land a big contract, I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to pay those workers, or process that paperwork.”

The Results

MK Staffing has increased their weekly billings 300% since coming on board with Advance, hired additional recruiters and is opening two additional offices.

“One of the biggest reasons I chose Advance was because of the people. They’re professional, responsive and they specialize in staffing. Most importantly, they believed in me, and my company. They could see my vision. They can see long term and know that my success impacts their success.”

If you are considering our services and would like to speak with Milo or one of our other current clients, request a free consultation.

Learn more about our light industrial staffing payroll funding solutions.

{To protect our client’s privacy, we have omitted their personal and company name from the above case study. Milo is a real person, and his company is a current client with Advance Partners. If you are considering our services and would like to speak with Milo or one of our other current clients, please contact us.}

Risk carefully, grow purposefully and staff resourcefully with
Advance Partners — fully committed to your forward momentum.

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