Exceptional Service and Support Helps Staffing Firm Grow 700%

  • Current Client
  • Location: Baltimore, MD
  • Business Model: Temporary Staffing
  • Industry Vertical: Light Industrial & Hospitality

“I consider Advance an extension of our business.  There are a multitude of different ways in which Advance goes above and beyond just being a funding company, to allow us to be successful.”
– David E., CEO

Staffing Firm Growth Bar Graph


‘ABC Staffing’ quickly got into a financial crunch when payroll ate up their $500K line of credit in just a few weeks. ABC Staffing considered Advance and one other funding company, and decided to go with the other payroll funding company.

“We realized a traditional line of credit from a bank would not support the growth we were working towards, and knew we needed to switch to a payroll funding company. We chose a funder based more on software than anything else.”

ABC Staffing utilized both payroll funding and back office services, but had a very poor experience with the company they chose. 

“The service we received from [name omitted] was terrible. The technology implementation and flow through we were promised was terrible. If we requested anything, it came with a fee – we felt like we were at their mercy because we had to make payroll on Friday.”

The Approach

When things didn’t go as expected, David knew they needed to make a change. David circled back to Advance, and had a much different experience.

“Right from the beginning, there was a very personal relationship. Whatever we needed was handled expeditiously. I get the same level of responsiveness, support and urgency as I do out of my own employees.”

The Results

When David came to Advance, his firm’s annual billings were $1 million. Within three years, annual billings increased to just under $7 million, and he’s expecting to achieve $10M in year four. And just as important to David, the service level has remained exceptional.

 “I know for a fact we would not have achieved the growth we’ve had without Advance. We’ve received back office, legal and strategic advice, plus the capital we needed. It’s a partnership which we would not have gotten anywhere else.”

{To protect our client’s privacy, we have omitted our client’s name from the above case study. This client is a real person who is a happy client with Advance. If you are considering our services and would like to speak with Jerry or one of our other current clients, please contact us.}

Risk carefully, grow purposefully and staff resourcefully with
Advance Partners — fully committed to your forward momentum.

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